
Freedom Convoy Takes Flight Over Canada

Well as you guessed it the less than talented Canadian President Trudeau can’t figure out how to get the Freedom Convoy going except the Convoy already has. The convoy is winning with every day they stand in defiance to vaccination requirements. Freedom Convoy takes...
Russia T-10 Heavy Tank Rolls Into A Coin

Russia T-10 Heavy Tank Rolls Into A Coin

Well as you may have guessed it what could be stranger than a headline such as Russia T-10 Heavy Tank Rolls into a Coin? Well for some that are all too familiar with challenge coins they know and understand that weapons such as main battle tanks can often be seen on...

Is ISIS Learning Recruiting Strategies From Online Sexual Predators?

The US government and local police forces have programs in place to find online predators. These programs may be able to be used to track ISIS recruiters.

There is a common thread behind so called “homegrown extremists” in France, England, and even in the USA. Surviving family members and friends who had no idea their children, friends or even siblings had become radicalized.

Top ten cool things about being in the US Air Force

The US Air Force has a lot of advantages in logistics, worldwide coverage, speed, missions and role types and this creates a creative insight into what is cool about being in the United States Air Force! 10. If I want Chinese Food, I will fly to China! 9. When the...

Top US Navy T-Shirt Designs Ever

October is US Navy Month! Birthdays, promotions, naval history, specials and balls! It is a month that celebrates the 239th Birthday of the United States Navy and honors its men and women both past and present, its veterans, prior service, naval warriors and is a time...

Corpsman Up A Little Background

The phrase Corpsman Up is a sound, a call, a yell that a wounded Marine is in need of medical care. It is not known to all civilian walks of life that the United States Navy Corpsman works and fights right alongside the US Marines. One of the flag raisers at the...