
I don’t really watch much TV, but I ran across SNL last night and figured I’d give it a go since I haven’t seen a funny episode of Saturday Night Live in years. When it comes to SNL, I’m in the old-school club of the golden years of SNL.  However, Dwayne Johnson “The Rock” is pretty funny… then I saw the opening skit and I laughed my ass off.

Regardless of your politics, seeing Obama lose it like The Incredible Hulk was a good chuckle.  And there is even a little bit of a twist at the end, so watch it and decide for yourself!

The Rock Obama on Saturday Night Live

The Rock Obama on Saturday Night Live

“As a president, Barack Obama is typically calm, collected and cool-headed. But after Rep. John Boehner (played by Taran Killam), Sen. Ted Cruz (Bobby Moynihan) and Sen. Tom Cotton (Kyle Mooney) push The Rock Obama’s (Saturday Night Live host Dwayne Johnson) buttons, he gets a little angry and reminds everyone that he’s commander-in-chief.” (source: Tech Investor)

Watch The Video of “The Rock Obama”

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