by Sarge Strike | Oct 9, 2017 | Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories, Vision-Strike-Coins.Com
What is the The Great Seal Of The United States and what does it mean and why did these particular elements form the icon of the United States? These questions and the time, resources are insight into how such an important part of United States history was created at...
by Sarge Strike | Sep 18, 2017 | Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories, Vision-Strike-Coins.Com
Small Arms Repairer MOS 2111 Coin Unleashed At Vision-Strike-Wear.Com Today USMC MOS Coins Bark At The Competition because of their bad ass tendencies and nature! The USMC is the best and they deserve the best and whether its an 0311 Grunt, a USMC Drill Instructor,...
by Sarge Strike | Jan 31, 2017 | Active Duty, Veterans, Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories, Vision Strike Wear Products
Franklin D. Roosevelt established the Bronze Star Medal through executive order on February 4th of 1944. The Bronze Star was created during the Second World War in a response to the Airmen’s Medal that was being awarded to pilots during the war. George C. Marshall...
by Sarge Strike | Jan 29, 2017 | Active Duty, In the News, Military News & Press, Veterans, Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories, Vision Strike Wear Products, Vision-Strike-Coins.Com
The military saw a pay raise that matched the rise in private sector wages for the first time in six years and many feel that Trump is the one to thank for that. Prior to the election Obama and congress seemed to be in a deadlock about how much of a raise the military...
by Sarge Strike | Jan 29, 2017 | Active Duty, Custom Shirt Designs, Military News & Press, Veterans, Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories, Vision Strike Wear Products, Vision-Strike-Coins.Com
If you’re a veteran of the Gulf War than I am sure that you are familiar with Desert Storm the operation that essentially ended the War in the Persian Gulf in the early 90’s. For those of you that are not familiar this will be a quick history lesson along with a...
by Sarge Strike | Jan 17, 2017 | Active Duty, Military News & Press, Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories, Vision Strike Wear Products, Vision-Strike-Coins.Com
Popeye is a character that every red blooded American relates to in one way or another and even though I am an Army guy myself I have to admit that he did make the Navy (or Coast Guard depending on your particular depiction of the character) loo pretty cool. I mean...
by Sarge Strike | Oct 21, 2016 | Commentary, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories
Adm. David Glasgow Farragut. A Legend! From Boy Midshipman To Mobile Bay Hero, ‘Old Salamander’ Spent His Life Aboard Navy Ships Can you believe that the highest ranks in the United States Navy were created for a single man. One man that would pioneer past...
by Sarge Strike | Sep 11, 2016 | Veterans, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories, Vision-Strike-Coins.Com
The word hero is one that is overused in society. Too may times we hear that this person is a hero or that person is a hero, and normally these people are just doing the right thing or doing their job. On the anniversary of 9/11 I think we should sit back, take a...
by Sarge Strike | Aug 16, 2016 | Active Duty, Commentary, Everything Else, Military News & Press, Veterans, Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories
So you have just learned that you will be stationed in the illustrious Fort Campbell Kentucky and are on your way to the 101st Airborne decision. The first thing that runs through your head is great, I’m definitely going to have to go to Air Assault school and...
by Sarge Strike | Aug 15, 2016 | Everything Else, Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories
I would personally like to wish a happy birthday to one of the most historic and decorated units in our Armed Forces. The 82nd Airborne’s motto of “death from above” is extremely fitting for the only infantry unit that continues to stand ready to...
by Sarge Strike | Jan 30, 2016 | Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories
What is a Vietnam River Rat? What is a River Rat you say? How about a tough as nails, United States Navy sailor that fought the Vietcong and North Vietnam Army up and down the Mekong River and all its tributaries. They manned 50cal machine guns, M60’s, they...
by Sarge Strike | Jan 3, 2016 | Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories, Vision-Strike-Coins.Com
What used to be associated with a slimey, spineless, destroyer of ocean depths puking ink at every moment as it runs scared to some den of misery under some aquatic rock, a squid. It is no longer a denizen but a much feared and intelligent predator of the seas of the...
by Frost Call | Feb 13, 2015 | Commentary, Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories
Learning to Fly an Airplane Flight Training Day 40 – More Check Ride Practice February, 13 2015 · Taken at Ramona Airport Learning to Fly an Airplane Flight Training Day 39 – More Practice for Check Ride! February, 3 2015 · Taken at Ramona Airport ATC...
by Sarge Strike | Feb 5, 2015 | Commentary, Everything Else, In the News, Military News & Press, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories
The US government and local police forces have programs in place to find online predators. These programs may be able to be used to track ISIS recruiters.
There is a common thread behind so called “homegrown extremists” in France, England, and even in the USA. Surviving family members and friends who had no idea their children, friends or even siblings had become radicalized.
by Sarge Strike | Jan 31, 2015 | Commentary, Everything Else, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories
On January 30th, 2015 in Portland, Oregon, Webmaster Matt went to see Star Trek (2009) with the Oregon Symphony playing the soundtrack live and it was fantastic! But did you know that Star Trek was based on the US Air Force? And that Gene Roddenberry was both a police...
by Sarge Strike | Nov 11, 2014 | Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories, Vision Strike Wear Products
Marine Corps Shirts With Cutting Edge Features Improvise. Overcome. Adapt has been the mantra for many decades withthe United States Marine Corps. Often treated like a red headed step child, never given any toys to play with and often discarded with hand me downs from...
by Frost Call | Nov 6, 2014 | Commentary, Promotions, Veterans, Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories
A Salute to My Father Uncles and Grandfathers on Veterans Day Though I have not personally served in the military, I humbly reached the rank of Eagle Scout as a youth. As a child and well into adulthood, grew up in the company of military heroes who have shared...
by Frost Call | Nov 5, 2014 | Commentary, Military News & Press, Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories
Best defense against US Ebola outbreak. Know What To Do NOW To Protect Yourself and Your Family! What are the Best defense against USA Ebola outbreak ? BASICS- Worst Ebola outbreak in history More lives than all other Ebola outbreaks The Center for Disease Control...
by Sarge Strike | Oct 7, 2014 | Commentary, Custom Shirt Designs, Custom Unit Designs, Everything Else, Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories, Vision Strike Wear Products
The US Air Force has a lot of advantages in logistics, worldwide coverage, speed, missions and role types and this creates a creative insight into what is cool about being in the United States Air Force! 10. If I want Chinese Food, I will fly to China! 9. When the...
by Sarge Strike | Sep 30, 2014 | Active Duty, Commentary, Custom Shirt Designs, Custom Unit Designs, Everything Else, Military News & Press, Promotions, Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories, Vision Strike Wear Products
October is US Navy Month! Birthdays, promotions, naval history, specials and balls! It is a month that celebrates the 239th Birthday of the United States Navy and honors its men and women both past and present, its veterans, prior service, naval warriors and is a time...
by Sarge Strike | Sep 17, 2014 | Commentary, Custom Shirt Designs, Everything Else, Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories, Vision Strike Wear Products
Fly Into The Wild Blue Yonder! Not every day do you get a chance to serve in the most technologically advanced military branch in the United States arsenal but when you do you are part of the United States Air Force! The youngest of the military branches and...
by Sarge Strike | Sep 11, 2014 | Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories, Vision Strike Wear Products
On 9-11 American Resolve Is Again Remembered We Will Always Remember 911! On 9-11 American Resolve Is Again Remembered. Thirteen years ago today, America was once again reminded that the world is far from an innocent place. We lost thousands of our citizens and...
by Frost Call | Sep 7, 2014 | 2nd Amendment, Battle Rattle, Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories, Vision Strike Wear Products
Dont Tread on Me with Military Outfitters Dont Tread on Me with Military Outfitters , we don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk. VSW artist Frost Call lives in southern California near Edwards Air Force base. On a hike this weekend, a Rattlesnake...
by Sarge Strike | Aug 26, 2014 | Commentary, In the News, Military News & Press, Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories, Vision Strike Wear Products
In the famous words of Nike: Just Do it! Well try anyway and when you do remember its all about the kids. Now having said that we can really dig deeper into the maelstrom of activity also known as Back to School! Seemingly what has become a tradition of fighting to...
by Sarge Strike | Aug 22, 2014 | Battle Rattle, Custom Unit Designs, Customer Comments, Everything Else, Promotions, Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories, Vision Strike Wear Products
Back To School Hoodie Sale this fall at VSW Back To School Hoodie Sale this fall at VSW and annual BACK TO SCHOOL HOODIE SALE is on NOW! Now until Midnight of Labor Day! (Monday September 1st, 2014) Visit now and use coupon code:...
by Sarge Strike | Aug 19, 2014 | Custom Shirt Designs, Custom Unit Designs, Everything Else, Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories, Vision Strike Wear Products
Top 10 Custom Coast Guard T-Shirts at VSW What is . . . Top 10 Custom Coast Guard T-Shirts at VSW ? Quicker than the Goddess Nike? Driven by molten steel? Hammered with the force of a battalion of fire breathing horses? It’s the most geographically prepared...
by Sarge Strike | Aug 17, 2014 | Commentary, Everything Else, In the News, Military News & Press, Veterans, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories
US army releases footage of Robin Williams entertaining troops US Army releases footage of Robin Williams entertaining troops . We are not sure if this footage was released and compiled by someone or if was actual Army footage to begin with, but it is quite good and...
by Sarge Strike | Aug 16, 2014 | Commentary, Everything Else, In the News, Military News & Press, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories
What do you mean that was in Ferguson MO ? The latest pictures from Ferguson, Missouri in the wake of the shooting Michael Brown look like they are from a war zone, not the USA- What do you mean that was in Ferguson MO ?! And they aren’t even pictures of...
by Sarge Strike | Aug 8, 2014 | Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories
Top 5 Coolest Military Sniper Quotes on T Shirts One Shot One Kill! Top 5 Coolest Military Sniper Quotes on T Shirts range from Snipers define the battlefield and for a small group of highly trained sharpshooters they also get a lot of publicity. Marksmanship, gun...
by Sarge Strike | Aug 7, 2014 | Active Duty, Commentary, Everything Else, In the News, Military News & Press, Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories, Vision Strike Wear Products
Obama Authorizes U.S. Airstrikes Against ISIS in Iraq Obama Authorizes U.S. Airstrikes Against ISIS in Iraq . Tonight (Thursday, August 7, 2014) the Obama Administration has authorized U.S. Airstrikes Against ISIS in Iraq. An air drop humanitarian mission has also...
by Sarge Strike | Aug 7, 2014 | Commentary, Everything Else, In the News, Military News & Press, Veterans, Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories, Vision Strike Wear Products
American Sacrifice An estimated 1.7 million Purple Heart recipients are still alive. Those were the ones who came home. Others didn’t. Americans are still sacrificing the very flesh on their bodies. Honor them. In months past we have worked to help create...
by Sarge Strike | Aug 5, 2014 | Custom Unit Designs, Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories
US Navy Chief Design Launch Dolphin Air and Surface Warfare US Navy Chief Design Launch Dolphin Air and Surface Warfare United States Navy Chiefs Honored at Vision-Strike-Wear.Com! New Navy Chief T-Shirts The United States Navy Chief’s are the backbone of the...
by Sarge Strike | Aug 2, 2014 | Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories
US Army Ambulance Corps Founded Today An important date in US Army and military history is the US Army Ambulance Corps Founded Today. On this day, August 2nd, 1862 Maj. Gen. George McClellan instituted the US Army Ambulance Corps! Wiki ~ “The U.S. Ambulance...
by Sarge Strike | Aug 1, 2014 | Promotions, Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories, Vision Strike Wear Products
BOGO On All Military Decals! In honor of The United States Coast Guard, Vision-Strike-Wear.Com is pleased to announce that throughout the month of August all military decals for all branches will be offered on a buy one, get one free sale! What is better than...
by Sarge Strike | Jul 23, 2014 | Battle Rattle, Everything Else, In the News, Military News & Press, Veterans, Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories, Vision Strike Wear Products
National Guard Mobilized in 3 US States Texas National Guard Mobilized to USA – Mexico Border National Guard Mobilized in 3 US States . We support the Texas Army National Guard 100% and we are sure that they will complete their mission with honor and...
by Sarge Strike | Jul 20, 2014 | Battle Rattle, Vision Strike Wear, Vision Strike Wear Blog Categories, Vision Strike Wear Products
The creation of US Navy Rank and Rate designs have been requested for years and their popularity has not diminished for those that wear, have worn or will wear the uniform of the United States Navy. Our soldiers and sailors deserve the best and at Military Outfitters,...