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Marine Corps Shirts With Cutting Edge Features

Improvise. Overcome. Adapt has been the mantra for many decades withthe United States Marine Corps. Often treated like a red headed step child, never given any toys to play with and often discarded with hand me downs from other branches and never seen with its true value as exceptional soldiers. Marines have a driven attitude of being the best, overcoming any hardship, thus the name often bestowed upon them, grunts, and when the adversary continues to attake, throwing missiles, assaults, rifle fire or artillery fire at them they come out number one and victorious.

Since 1775 they have been kicking ass and taking names.

No more deserving than the other branches, US Marines deserve designs with attitude and grit. They deserve the same they expect from each other. Hard core, edgy, moto and the ability to overcome and adapt. Solution. There is one.

Marine Corps Battle Rattle Shirts!

So what is it? Simple. A Marine Corps rank shirts that allows the owner to create a custom one-of-a-kind design with the avaialble options. Its a custom USMC shirt that you can make on-line. Come take a look at Marine Corps rank shirt and see the difference in custom Marine shirt design at Vision-Strike-Wear.Com.

More changes and options than you can shake a Kbar at!

What can I do to my shirt? Simple. You can have your ammunition, rank and weapons selected. Select your options and watch the graphic update right in front of you. You get what you select and receive a custom Marine rank shirt you make from the choices you select. Add IR or colored USA flags to your sleeves, or make a long sleeve shirt and have full sleeve art options selected. It is your shirt and you can make it anyway you want!

Time to hit the beaches?

Pick up the most custom option oriented Marine Corps shirt on the planet at Vision-Strike-Wear.Com!