
Small Arms Repairer MOS 2111 Coin Unleashed At Vision-Strike-Wear.Com Today

USMC MOS Coins Bark At The Competition because of their bad ass tendencies and nature! The USMC is the best and they deserve the best and whether its an 0311 Grunt, a USMC Drill Instructor, Machine Gunner, Scout Sniper, United States Marine Recruiter, Combat Engineer, Artilleryman, Mortarman Infantry Assaultman and Small Arms Repairman the jobs of the USMC are built on teamwork, pride and the the overriding desire to be the best. They have the warrior spirit embedded in each US Marine and their drive and demanding of the best in others and especially of themselves is why they succeed in all things.

Small Arms Repairer MOS 2111 Coin

USMC 2111 Small Arms Repairer Marine Corps MOS Coin

Keeping weapons up to date and fully repaired is a key job in any branch of the military, and in the Marines, a big part of this responsibility falls to the small arms repairer/technician. It’s an enlisted job with some specific requirements to be eligible.

The general military definition of small arms, which are somewhat different than light weapons, refers to those weapons that can be used by a single person.

The job of small arms repairer/technician in the grade of Private through Lance Corporal, involves small arms maintenance and repair, inspection procedures, and armory procedures. He or she performs inspections of all small arms, with the exception of vehicular mounted weapons. The small arms repairer/technician also completes basic shop administrative forms and records.

At the Corporal through Gunnery Sergeant level the small arms repairer/technician performs, trains, and supervises inspection, maintenance, and repair of all small arms, to include vehicular mounted small arms. (Source – The Balance.Com)