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The United States Navy is exploring advanced research into the realm of hull maintenance techniques and tools for “fast sealing” the armor and steel found on US Navy warships and submarines.

As many US Navy Sailors know that are trained in the rating for HT, Hull Technician, it is well understood that holes sink ships and when a hole develops aboard a submarine as one example it is even more serious when the seas and their crushing weight can turn a perfectly well designed submarine into an organ grinder squeeze box. That was until now. US Department of Defense contractor FULLBLOW has been for years researching ways to utilize the natural instinct of sea sponges and their natural predisposition of accumulating water and then sealing the water into its first three bladder layers as a way to seal holes on seagoing United States Navy warships.

FULLBLOW is very close to administering its first sea going trial HT Sponge test labeled Stove Pipe 8482642. This test is scheduled to be used with the US Navy this spring. Senior Officials at the Pentagon have remarked how excited they are to witness the next generation of hull maintenance solutions with the use of millions of years of sponge technologies advancing how the US Navy protects and maintains the skin of its ships.

In an over simplified description the Stove Pipe is inserted into the hull directly impregnating the steel with the FULLBLOW Sponge sealing it in for freshness. US Navy sailors found having worked with the development team of Stove Pipe 8482642 a natural glow about them and have even expressed a more positive and morale building feeling when deploying the technology.

As reported by one HT1 USN Sailor “thrusting the Stove Pipe” into the steel near the Quarter Deck was amazing” The stuff fucking works like magic. I get warm and fuzzy all over.”

DOD Officials are already preparing for meetings with FULLBLOW Technologies in preparation of making substantial purchases of Stove Pipe. It is calculated that FULLBLOW Stove Pipe sponges may be used throughout the fleet beginning in 2020 with three phases of roll outs scheduled for May 2016, October 2018 and the final phase and implementation in the summer of 2020.

STOVEPIPE Technologies did release to us the photo of the sponge their technologies are based upon and we do feel that based on the size of this project and circumference that the US Navy has decades of failsafe ship’s repair ahead of it.

Stove Pipe 8482642

US Navy Tech