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Military patches are a core to the nature, message and overall history of United States military forces.

When the US Military, its units, ships, commands, squadrons, ships, pilots, ground crews, associations and more want their slogans and logos displayed on their military patches. They are worn on the sleeves, and shoulders of US military uniforms, they are collected, they are traded, they are collected. Each military patch has its own history whether it is the history of the unit, its mascot, slogan in English or maybe Latin, its year of inception, dates and anniversaries perhaps or other important and relevant information specific to that US Military command or warship.

The history of military patches is as old as the uniforms our men and women in the United States wear. They have been a part of the long standing traditions of the American military and it has endured to this day.

Details and original military graphics are what separates the good from the great when it comes to military patches. All branches of the US military flock to great military art. Whether its a Shellback patch created for US Navy Sailors and US Marines or a design for Devildogs and their mascot, the US Marine Bulldog.


US Marines want the finest in military patches for their collection. Highly detailed, fully embroidered patches are they key to this.



Military patches have many different ways of coming at you when it comes to how they are made. The options alone for the edge are laser cut or a straight edge cut or they can also be raised, like in the case of a merrowed edge. What is rather interesting is that a merrowed with all its additional stitching that builds a border around the outdide of the military patch design is less expensisive to produce even though it may not seem to. The downfall of a merroweed edge is that it cannot be used in cases when a great deal of cuts or angles are part of a design. A laser cut edge is more precise and is the better choice for highly detailed edges. Case in point. The following US Navy The Sea Is Ours military patch was laser cut, is 100% embroidered and illustrates how diverse the colors can be even in a space of only 4 square inches. That kind of precision and detailed military design are the kind of military patches only found at Vision-Strike-Wear.Com only.

Navy Jolly Roger patch

Below are just a few of the military patches recently created by Vision-Strike-Wear.Com that display the intricacy and relevancy of a patch that it has to its military branch or unit.

USN Guardians Of The Gulf Patch Portholes, Jolly Roger, knife, wings for the aviation side of the US Navy, tridents, water and more all captured in this black and white US Navy patch.

US Navy Guardians Of The Gulf Patch

US Navy River Rat Patch – Designed for the Riverine and Brown Water Navy in the Vietnam War.

US Navy River Rat Riverine Military Patch

SWCC US Navy Patch – Designed for the Surface Warfare Combatant Craft Crewmen of the US Navy. The Boat Guys!

US Navy SWCC God Country Fast Boats Military Patch

The US Navy Tin Can Sailor Patch crafted and embroidered for the sailors that have served aboard United States Navy destroyers. The TIn Can Sailors!

US Navy Tin Can Sailors Military Patch

The US Navy Chef, the backbone of the United States Navy. This US Navy Chief Submarine qualified patch has the famous US Navy Chief goat with crossed arms and steady gaze. The unique and original art of Vision-Strike-Wear.Com

US Navy Chief Petty Officer Submarine Qualified Anchored Military Patch

The US Navy and its Chifs also serve as airdales and leaders within the squadrons and commands of the United States Navy. This US Navy Chief Air Warfare Patch was created for these leaders found within US Nval Aviation.

US Navy Chief Petty Officer Air Warfare Military Patch

The US Navy Chief Surface Warfare Patch designed in honor of the Chiefs that lead aboard the US Navy’s surface fleet around the world.

US Navy Chief Petty Officer Surface Warfare Military Patch

United States Navy sailors that sail below the decks of their warships are the Snipes of the US Navy! They are trained to fix, maintain and ensure the operations and functionality of any US Navy ship or craft. They are the force that makes the ship go and without them any US Navy warship is a hotel at sea. Not moving. They make it happen. This US Navy Snipe patch with Popeye featured on this military patch is a tribute to their bravery and dedication as they sail millions of miles beneath the waterline.

US Navy Popeye Snipe Military Patch